How To Stop Overusing Words and Phrases in English

CELPIP Success

Weekly Tips, Strategies and Stories to help you conquer the CELPIP Exam and Speak English Fearlessly.

Well hello there, Reader, I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to connect with you today.

Do you struggle to stay focused when you're reading in English? Try this simple strategy...

Over reliance on a phrase or word will cause lower CELPIP test results, and I know you don’t want that!

Repeating words or phrases multiple times during your CELPIP speaking task answers, might lower your score because you're not demonstrating a wide enough vocabulary.

Here's what you can do about it:

First of all, be encouraged! You can change your speaking habits! You don’t have to remain stuck with those phrases if you don’t want to.

Notice what they are!

I’ve talked about this before in a previous episode (I’ll link to it in my show notes), but one of the most important things you can do to help you reduce how often you use certain words and phrases is to simply become aware of yourself using them!

You can accomplish this easily! Just grab your cell phone and use the voice memo app to record yourself talking about a certain topic for a few minutes, or - if you’re practicing for the CELPIP - record yourself answering one of the speaking task questions.

After recording, listen to your answer. Did you notice any crutch or comfort phrases or words being used? Write them down. As a bonus, but longer and more challenging project, create a transcript of what you said and circle the words or phrases that you seem to repeat.

Chances are, you’ll have one or two that are your unintentional favourites - you use them the most frequently.

That’s step one. Notice your crutch or comfort words.

What’s a different way to say what you want to say?

If you find yourself repeating a phrase or word, it might simply be a matter of needing to learn a different way to express yourself! Maybe you have no other words or phrases in your language toolbox to help you say what you want to say.

You can add that new language tool by finding a new phrase to say what you’re trying to say. There are a few ways you can do this:

The easiest: just ask someone who is more advanced than you, or your English teacher. Tell them what you keep saying, and what would be a different way to say the same thing.

More challenging: Watch and listen to conversations around you. Chances are you’ll eventually stumble upon someone saying exactly what you want to say, but differently. Once you hear that new way, immediately steal it and begin using it yourself!

Get supportive feedback!

When you know you over use a certain word or phrase, it’s very helpful to find someone who can kindly alert you as soon as you pull out that overused language tool!

Getting instant feedback is helpful because, well, it’s instant! You know immediately that you’ve used that phrase, which will give you the chance to correct yourself - and you should! As soon as your friend lets you know you’re swinging that favourite language tool, reach down into your tool box and pull out the new phrase you learned in step two and use it!

There you have it: Notice your most commonly used words or expressions. Next, find new ways of saying the same thing and begin using those phrases instead, and finally ask someone to help you notice when you use those comfort words or phrases and immediately (kindly!) correct yourself!

Thank you for reading! Is there something you'd like me to cover in a future edition of the newsletter? A question about the CELPIP that you'd like answered? Just hit reply and let me know. I read and respond to every e-mail.

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Learn How To Speak English Fearlessly + Effectively Prepare for the CELPIP Exam

An e-mail a week to help you say goodbye to fear and speak English fearlessly. Learn effective and practical tips to help you prepare for and conquer the CELPIP Exam. I also host The Speak English Fearlessly Podcast.

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