An e-mail a week to help you say goodbye to fear and speak English fearlessly. Learn effective and practical tips to help you prepare for and conquer the CELPIP Exam. I also host The Speak English Fearlessly Podcast.
CELPIP Success Weekly Tips, Strategies and Stories to help you conquer the CELPIP Exam and Speak English Fearlessly. Well hello there, Reader, I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to connect with you today. Let's chat for a moment about note taking... Becoming a great note taker is vital if you want to succeed on the listening section of the CELPIP exam. And yes, you really do need to take notes during the listening section of the exam because there's just too many details for you to keep...
Hi Reader, It's the weekend and boy am I glad! It's been a busy week, hasn't it? I think these two questions will help you with your English practice: *** The two best questions I've read all week! But what went well this week? James Clear's email newsletter is great for reading practice. It's usually short but filled with great ideas to read and think about. If you scroll to the bottom of this post you'll see a great question to think about! It's easy to focus on the bad things that happened...
CELPIP Success Weekly Tips, Strategies and Stories to help you conquer the CELPIP Exam and Speak English Fearlessly. Well hello there, Reader, I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to connect with you today. Do you struggle to stay focused when you're reading in English? Try this simple strategy... A few days ago I listened to a fascinating interview with a polyglot - a person who is able to understand and speak multiple languages. Elisa Polese has studied 25 languages and teaches 13 of...