An e-mail a week to help you say goodbye to fear and speak English fearlessly. Learn effective and practical tips to help you prepare for and conquer the CELPIP Exam. I also host The Speak English Fearlessly Podcast.
Hi Reader, Before we dive in to today's newsletter: would you like to join us for our next Wednesday live coaching call? (It's on Wednesday, April 2 at 6pm PST.) If you join us, you'll learn a strategy that will transform the way you respond to Speaking Task 3: Describing a scene. Want in? Just reply to this email and let me know. I'll share the link with you so you can join us live. Now, on with today's newsletter! This great question came up in a recent live coaching call: "Should I use AI...
Hi Reader, If you're looking for ways to increase your speaking skills in English, try these ideas...but frist: Don't forget... Our next class is going to give you some speaking skills practice for task 1 and 2. Wednesday, March 26 · 6:00 – 7:00pm Time zone: America/Vancouver Class link: https://meet.google.com/vby-beac-kga 5 Helpful Ideas To Build Your Fluency In English: Learn to welcome discomfort! Stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to improving your speaking skills. If you want...
Hi Reader, Welcome to the the weekend! I'm glad you made it here with me today. I think you'll like this... 1. The Biggest Mistake English Learners Make Are you accidentally adding years of hard work to your English learning journey? Check out this podcast episode from June 2023 to find out - as well as what you can do about it! (Podcast episode from June 2023.) 2. From a group coaching call this week: In CELPIP speaking tasks, details matter! To make your story really pop in Speaking Task...